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Rotary Potentiometer
Switch Potentiometer
Slide Potentiometer
Knob Potentiometer
Trimmer Potentiometer
Precision Potentiometer
Multiway switch

Product Name:




Electrical characteristics
Total Resistance  1KΩ~1MΩ
Total Resistance Tolerance 500Ω<R<1MΩ:± 20% :R<500Ω or R>1MΩ:±30% 
Resistance Taper  A, B, W
Withstand Voltage  1 minute at AC 250V
Insulated Resistance  More than 100MΩat DC 250V 
Sliding Noise  Less than 100mV
Residual Resistance  Term.1~2: Less than 10Ω:Term.2~3: Less than 30Ω
Gang Error (Dual Unit) -40 dB~0dB+/-3dB
Max. Operation Voltage  AC 50V/DC 10V
Rated Power  0.1W
Mechanical characteristics
Slide Travel   30mm
Operating Force  5gf~80gf
Stopper Strength  3.0Kgf (from the bas Level to a point of 2mm)
Click torque (Only Center Click) /~/gf
Level Push-Pull Strength  3.0Kgf Min at 10Sec.
Level Wobble  2 (2XL)/20mm Max. (L: Level length both sides)
Sliding life  10,000 Cycles Min.

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东莞市新圣电子有限公司 版权所有 电话:0769-86415308 传真:0769-86400081
刘先生:13809646404 胡先生:13592764886 曾先生:13902699459 地址:广东省东莞市茶山镇上元大塘工业区第五栋

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